Thursday, September 24, 2009

Getting Involved in Government Locally Tip #2

Ever heard of Nixle? Probably not, but it could save a life.

Nixle is a community alert service that sends you email, text, or automated phone messages when the government agencies in your area put out public notifications.

For example, any registered Nixle users in South Dakota would have received a message about the Endangered Persons Alert put out for a Pennington County woman last week. They also would have been notified when she was found and the alert cancelled.

Think of it as an Amber Alert for your phone or computer.

The best part? It's free to users, making it a great way to GIGL.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Getting Involved in Government Locally Tip #1

When I think back on what my hometown of Sioux Falls was like just ten
or fifteen years ago, I'm always surprised at how much it has changed.
The southeastern part of South Dakota has grown tremendously in
recent years. As we all know, change doesn't come easily, and our
region's growth has brought with it added challenges. Luckily we've had
some smart, forward-thinking citizens and administrators at the helm,
helping to plan our city's growth. The time has come to look to the next
25 years and think about how we'll keep up with the increasing demand
for housing, utilities, schools, and everything else citizens of the state's
largest city expect. Participating in discussions with Shape Sioux Falls!
is a great way to GIGL!

Not from Sioux Falls? Check out these other websites for some of
South Dakota's premier cities. They'll usually have a calendar of
upcoming events where you can learn about what's going on
in your community and voice your opinion.